Friday, February 3, 2012

Taking Time to Play

I have a friend whose son just celebrated his first birthday. Oh, he's such a little man in his plaid shorts, toddling around, flirting with the ladies at church. This friend has become a wonderful mother, just like I knew she would be. Like me, she waited a while before becoming a mother, and like me, she isn't always sure about this "boy mom" thing. I really enjoy being able to encourage her and share with her some of the things others have told me, like "this too shall pass".

Another bit of advice I got when my boys were younger (and it seemed all I ever did was correct, train, clean up after, and feed these little guys) was to take time to play. Don't just let them run through the sprinklers fully clothed, but run out there with them. Play the Wii with them, even though you have no clue what the point of the game is. Engage with them. Connect with them through sillyness and playfulness. It doesn't take much time and the rewards are huge!

Yesterday, on the way home from school, the boys and I cranked David Crowder up loud and acted like fools, singing and "dancing" as we traveled down the road. It was fun-ny! We giggled and goofed off and it felt so very good. Later, I was telling my young friend about it, letting her know that the day is coming when she would enjoy her son in a whole new way. Her face lit up with anticipation, thinking about being so silly and undignified with her sweet boy.

I'm thankful for my fun-loving, playful boys who still get a kick out of their mom's occasional sillyness.

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